our Goal

We as a team prepared boxes which were handed over to the food bank on December 17th, 2020. This way, people had the chance of receiving something nice during the Christmas season. All food being used comes from suppliers that identify themselves as being sustainable - either environmental or social. 

We are happy to have the chance of giving something back to society and wish everyone merry Christmas!

Marije, Johanna, Ivo, Luca, Jonas, Nicolas

some impressions...


Meet the sponsors

Fred - Boeregoed


Fred employs people who want to find their way back into society after having difficult pasts.

With him, nobody is left behind.  



Lekkernassuh focuses on delivering local food. They create sustainable foodboxes including recipes you can purchase from them.

Hotelschool The Hague


For baked cookies, all ingredients were sponsored by Hotelschool The Hague, shortly before the School went to a 5-week-long lockdown. This once again underlines the universities goal to reduce food waste.

Boerderij van Rijn


Boerderij van Rijn focuses on farming for the local community, while minimising food waste. 



Food that cannot be sold in supermarkets as it is not "pretty enough" is utilised to create food such as tomato sauce...

and these are The labels...

The packaging for the sauce and cookies is either 100% re-usable or out of  recycled materials.

and the handouts that go into the box as well...

Find more details here:


P.A.T.E. 2020B


Project name:

Farmers for Foodbank

‘Problem’ / societal issue / reason for the assignment:  

The issue of missing financial resources to afford enough food items is a problem all around the world. To support people in need the Voedselbank Welzijn Scheveningen organizes a daily food bank, to provide the less fortuned with basic food products.

The work of the Welzijn organization depends on the support of voluntaries. Due to the corona measurements the work cannot be executed as it was in the past. The facilities are limited to a certain amount of people and therefore the preparation of the weekly given food boxes become more difficult. 

To support the Voedselbank in their operations and to give an addition to the basic products the P.A.T.E. project consist of a box with Christmas related for all the 90 people in need that  


Project Goals - link with UN SDG’s

In order to face social issues and to support sustainable development the P.A.T.E. team focuses on the following SDG´s:


UNSDG 2: No Hunger – Waste less food and support local farmers:

By collecting overproduced food from local farmers and giving it out to people in need we contribute to reaching the SDG 2. Combining the support for local farmers and the foodbank. 

UNSDG 10: Reduce inequality – Provide less fortuned with food:

In order to decrease the inequality in the excess to food items the people in need are provided with an additional box beside the basic items from the foodbank. This box contains of a soup, christmas cookies and fresh products 

UNSDG 12: Responsible Production and Consumption:

The products provided to the foodbank are collected from farmers around The Hague. The farmers support the project with their leftovers and overproduced foods. These food items are saved from beeing thrown away and fulfill a menaingful 

UNSDG 17: Partnership for goals:

The collaboration between the farmers, the foodbank, and the HTH is the key factor to the success of the project. Bringing together these powerful institutions in order to develop a sustainable community fulfills the SDG 17.


December 8th – 9th

-       Collect jars from fellow students to fil them with soup and add to the box 

December 9th

-       Collect food items from Lekkernasuh to store at school until process on Friday

-       Prepare the soup at wing kitchen and pack the boxes with items that are able to store


December 11th

-       Collect brussels sprouts from farm and bring to school

-       Prepare the soup and cookies at wing kitchen and pack the boxes with items that are able to store

-       Prepare cookies at wing kitchen

December 17th

-       Hand out the prepared boxes to the food bank and provide the volunteers at the food bank with cake as a thank you for their cooperation.

-       Help handing out the boxes to the foodbank customers while incorporating the corona measurements and the facilities at the foodbank

-       Take pictures of the handout and share on social media to create PR content for the suppliers and the HTH



Task Division 


Reach out to farmers and local suppliers to ask for support and overproduced products.

Report Writing 


Report writing´

Wing kitchen 


Report writing

Label design

Jar collection

Wing kitchen

Jar Collection

Report Writing


Contact with foodbank

Report writing

Handout at foodbank


Report writing 

Wing Kitchen preparation


Theory related to the project:

In the Netherlands, nearly 8% of households are considered being poor (Dutchnews.nl, 2019). Especially for Christmas, these families, also having children, often are being left behind. Campaigns for needy kids already are in place, however entire families are rarely addressed. 

In order to be able to survive, many are getting supported by foodbanks, which provide essential food. This however does only rarely include “fun” food people are looking forward to.        
In order to give something back to the community, the team has decided to create boxes / bags with nice food related content to bring a smile to the people’s faces.       
From overproduced food sponsored by local suppliers, food such as cookies or soup will be created and added to the boxes. 


Projected Result:

90 people in need receive regular help at the local foodbank in Scheveningen. 

The contact person at the foodbank is Marike Vermulen, with which the final handover of packages will be executed. Due to COVID-Regulations, assistance during handover of these packages is not requested, rather only the creation of them. 


Budget Summary (if applicable

Not applicable. 




Funding will take place by support from local farmers and food related businesses. They will supply us with leftover food, which will be processed. The final created products will be added to the “care package” which eventually will be handed out.