We as a team prepared boxes which were handed over to the food bank on December 17th, 2020. This way, people had the chance of receiving something nice during the Christmas season. All food being used comes from suppliers that identify themselves as being sustainable - either environmental or social.
We are happy to have the chance of giving something back to society and wish everyone merry Christmas!
Marije, Johanna, Ivo, Luca, Jonas, Nicolas
Fred - Boeregoed
Fred employs people who want to find their way back into society after having difficult pasts.
With him, nobody is left behind.
Lekkernassuh focuses on delivering local food. They create sustainable foodboxes including recipes you can purchase from them.
Hotelschool The Hague
For baked cookies, all ingredients were sponsored by Hotelschool The Hague, shortly before the School went to a 5-week-long lockdown. This once again underlines the universities goal to reduce food waste.
Boerderij van Rijn
Boerderij van Rijn focuses on farming for the local community, while minimising food waste.
Food that cannot be sold in supermarkets as it is not "pretty enough" is utilised to create food such as tomato sauce...
The packaging for the sauce and cookies is either 100% re-usable or out of recycled materials.